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The Fremont Fun Club meets on Thursdays
from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at
Seattle Elks Lodge #92
3014 3rd Ave. N.
Seattle, WA 98109
Rotary club info Phone 206-632-0124
Weekly Programs


See some of our past speaker/presenters

Programs Calendar

Our Meeting Nights are 1st, 3rd & 4th THURSDAY's,
SECOND TUESDAY's are Sanwich nights at Taki's Mad Greek.

We are meeting on 1st, 3rd & 4th Thursday's from 6-7 pm
We usually start gathering around 5:30 for some social time, food and drink.
(Note: Occationally, the second Tuesday falls on the third week of the month. On those months, there will not be a third Thursday meeting. Also, if there are 5 Thursdays in the month, we do not meet on the 5th Thursday.)

Current meeting location is;

Seattle Elks Lodge #92
3014 3rd Ave. N.
Seattle, WA 98109

(206) 282-9292

Meetings at Elk's will require someone to sign you in as a guest.
Please press the call button by the door and tell them you are here for the Fremont Rotary Meeting, in the board room.

Second Tuesday: Sanwich Night's are at;
Taki’s Mad Greek Restaurant


Feb 6


Feb 11, 2025; 5:30 - 7 PM (is Second Tuesday)

Sandwich Night - Making sandwiches for homeless shelters

Rotary Club of Fremont Meeting Tuesday, June 14, 2022, starting at 5:30 pm
Location: Taki’s Mad Greek Restaurant
1471 NW 85 th St., Seattle, 98117 206-297-9200

Our monthly club service project will take place at the above restaurant. We will make about 200 or more sandwiches for Family Works Food Bank and Compass Housing Alliance.

Feb 20, 2025; 5:30 - 7 PM

Guest Speaker; Ghassan Saade   Gaza Orphan Support;

Feb 27, 2025; 5:30 - 7 PM

Guest Speaker;

Commander Aly Teeter Ballard Eagleson
VFW Post 3063

MARCH 2025

March 6 / Trail and Dinos

The Fun Club, will be grooming the Dinosaurs and picking up trash along the Burke Gilman Trail on Thursday, March 6, 2025. This is our 1/4'ly community volunteer event. Please come out and join us for an hour or two and help beautify your community, then enjoy some friendship and brew and food and brew in Fremont afterwards.
We start gathering around 4:30- 5 PM or whenever you can get there.
Meet at the Dinosaurs at Phinney and Canal Streets, the help gardening around the Dinos or grab some picker upper tools (provided) and a trash bag and walk the trail around the Dino's and head towards the old Hale's Brewery.

We will meet for food and refreshments at either Petoski's or Elk's 92 afterwards, if you would like some additional social time with Rotarians and other Volunteers.

March 11, 2025; 5:30 - 7 PM (is Second Tuesday)

Sandwich Night - Making sandwiches for homeless shelters

Rotary Club of Fremont Meeting Tuesday, June 14, 2022, starting at 5:30 pm
Location: Taki’s Mad Greek Restaurant
1471 NW 85 th St., Seattle, 98117 206-297-9200

Our monthly club service project will take place at the above restaurant. We will make about 200 or more sandwiches for Family Works Food Bank and Compass Housing Alliance.

March 20, 2025; 5:30 - 7 PM

Guest Speaker; TBA

March 27, 2025; 5:30 - 7 PM

Guest Speaker; TBA


Fremont Fun Club Meets at 5:30 on Thursdays at:
Elk's Lodge #92
3014 3rd Ave N, Seattle WA 98109
hone 206-632-0124
Email - We are a volunteer club, not a business. Do Not Send Marketing to this email.